Author Archives: Matthew

CSRF – Cross Site Request Forgery

There are a few security concepts every developer should understand and be able to implement before they are trusted with sensitive data. Things like SQL injection, XSS, salting and a whole bunch of other things can really cause you and your users a lot of trouble.
Maybe i’ll write something about those some other time, but for now i’m singling out CSRF which is fairly easy to exploit and can have some pretty fantastic results yet it seems, from my experience anyway, to get less attention than the other attacks I’ve mentioned.

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New View v1.0b

A little bit of time over the weekend and Serial Signal is finally sporting a new theme! There are still some things I want to do when I have the time and some polish is needed but it should be functional and its definitely better than the old theme.
If you DO find a problem though feel free to leave a comment since comments are enabled once again. Hopefully the new filters will cut down on the ludicrous influx of Russian spam posts I’ve had over the last month enough to actually make the moderation queue feasible.
Now we’ll just have to see if I can make the time to post something now and again ;).

Hello Blog

I have wanted to start a blog for a while now but struggled to find the time for it. I think the reasons for which will make for an interesting post down the line, but for now i’m intentionally starting out small. Basic theme, basic plugins. I have all of the custom stuff in the works but don’t think it warrants not getting the ball rolling.

It will mostly be technical and about programming, design, development and occasionally information security. I’ve messed around with a lot of languages but for a while now have been mostly professionally been working with LAMP, Zend Framework, jQuery and various related things so there will be some stuff along those lines, however, in addition to interesting things i’ve uncovered in those technologies, I also plan to delve deeper in to things I find interesting but maybe don’t have a practical use for currently, such as some of the other PHP frameworks, Python, CSS3, canvas, and C++ for example.

Hopefully I can teach someone something they didn’t know before or get some feedback on my approach to certain problems. Posts will come as they may, possibly infrequently, but hopefully when they do show up they will be worth while.